Effectively Communicate to Any Analog Audio System
AtlasIED IP-to-Analog gateways leverage the
VoIP Communication solution to extend enhanced audio for those environments where both "On and Off" network-wide communication delivery solutions are needed for connectivity into any analog audio systems, analog legacy Public address system, or analog audio endpoint(s), providing true enterprise-wide alert and general notifications across any organization.
Compliant with AtlasIED, Singlewire, and Syn-App Notification Applications
AtlasIED displays and IP-to-analog gateways register as a communication endpoint directly within
Singlewire's InformaCast, Syn-App's
SA-Announce and Revolution, and
AtlasIED's GCK Notification applications, supporting audio broadcast to enhance physical security while improving day-to-day communications through advanced alerting, bell schedules, pre-recorded & scheduled announcements, and intercoms all while leveraging the WAN/LAN Network Architecture.
Ideal for Critical Alerts
Have confidence your communication system will respond effectively during the actual occurrence of disasters, emergencies, and crisis. An AtlasIED
IP solution gets the message out clearly and intelligibly so everyone hears and understands.
First Emergency Responder Interaction
Quick, easy and secure first emergency responder interface available when it is appropriate for local law enforcement officials to launch code driven alerts or provide detailed instructions in specific areas of what action to take should an incident arise.
Off Premise Notifications
AtlasIED IP based system provides off-premise notifications. You can contact individuals and provide information when not physically on-site. This is an important capability when a critical event happens and an off-site person needs to respond.
Collaboration Partner
Crisis plans may change based on observations made during drills. It is becoming common to request or require third party systems to play a role in emergency events, while operating without human interaction. For example: In the event that an intruder or unauthorized person is identified, an alert can be sent over the AtlasIED notification system indicating the entire building is going into lock-down mode. Personal will be instructed to follow specific procedures while the
AtlasIED system triggers the access control system and closes all outside perimeter doors automatically.