AtlasIED's UHT and UKT Series are 8" diameter single and dual voice coil speakers equipped with dual (whizzer) cone and 10 oz. ceramic magnet to deliver extended frequency response with high intelligibility and minimal distortion. Cost-effective units are complete with fire-retardant moisture-proof cones, factory-mounted transformer, 6" color-coded leads, and a wide selection of architecturally pleasing baffles. UHT Series speakers have a 1" dia. voice coil, choice of 70.7 or 25-volt transformer, and DC blocking capacitor for line supervision applications. UKT Series speakers are equipped with two 1" dia. voice coils, two transformers (specify 70.7 or 25 volts), and a DC blocking capacitor. To comply with UL requirements, speaker packages must be used with UL-approved enclosures (refer to back page for baffle/ enclosure information and to SL6-1424 "Enclosures for UL Listed Speakers").