As a leader in the security industry, the AtlasIED team prides itself on staying on top of ever-developing safety standards. Our well-known Security Technology Solutions Ecosystem is a comprehensive catalog of safety solutions for a wide array of applications and users. From the renowned IPX Series to our latest addition, IntelliSee, there’s no shortage of options for our customers.
California Senate Bill 553 was signed into law on September 30, 2023, and California Labor Code section 6401.9 officially went into effect on July 1, 2024. The bill sets a precedent of enhanced safety within the workplace, mandating workplace violence prevention programs for organizations. SB 553 requires employers to develop workplace violence prevention plans as part of their Cal/OSHA Injury Illness Prevention Plans. Employees must be informed of these plans and prepare accordingly.
Senator Dave Cortese is the mind behind the bill, stating, “I’m grateful to my colleagues in the legislature for standing up for workers and businesses at this time of rising workplace violence. This groundbreaking bill represents a lengthy negotiation and collaboration between business and labor organizations.”
Employers that fall within the scope of this law must establish, implement, and maintain an effective written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that includes but is not limited to the following:
- Identifying who is responsible for implementing the plan
- Involving employees and their representatives
- Accepting and responding to reports of workplace violence and prohibiting employee retaliation
- Communicating with employees regarding workplace violence matters
- Responding to actual and potential emergencies
- Developing and providing effective training
- Identifying, evaluating, and correcting workplace violence hazards
- Performing post-incident response and investigations
We offer a wide range of security solutions that cover these requirements efficiently and comprehensively. These include:
AtlasIED IPX Family
The AtlasIED IPX family is an IP-based series of endpoints with built-in loudspeakers, microphones, and displays to provide audio communications and visual text to support a range of facilities. The IPX family integrates with Singlewire InformaCast alert software to provide customers with an enhanced emergency communications solution. With advanced emergency notification features, this power couple delivers audible and visual alerts to on-premise and mobile devices to ensure information concerning lockdowns, evacuations, intruders, active shooters, severe weather, and other critical situations reaches everyone quickly and reliably.
AtlasIED’s IPX family leverages existing IP network infrastructure to enhance physical security while improving day-to-day communications through advanced alerting and pre-recorded and scheduled announcements.
AtlasIED IntelliSee
AtlasIED’s lntelliSee Al-powered risk mitigation platform helps schools, hospitals, and businesses strengthen their approach to organizational safety. The lntelliSee platform proactively protects against day-to-day risks, including slipping hazards, fallen persons, trespassing, and unauthorized vehicles, as well as more critical incidents such as weapon detection and violent acts. When overlayed with existing video surveillance systems, lntelliSee continually monitors live camera feeds to detect threats in real time. Once a threat is detected, instant alerts provide pre-determined stakeholders with the situational awareness and context needed to act quickly to prevent harm.
As California Senate Bill 553 makes its mark on workplaces across the state and we witness the increasing need for comprehensive workplace violence prevention programs, AtlasIED stands ready to support these organizations' safety initiatives. Our industry-leading Security Technology Solutions Ecosystem offers the robust solutions needed to meet the requirements of SB 553 effectively. Our technology is designed to enhance safety, improve communication, and provide real-time threat detection, ensuring workplaces remain secure and compliant. Explore our solutions today to safeguard your employees and stay ahead of evolving safety standards.
To learn more about how AtlasIED Security Technology Solutions can be used to create a safer, more security workplace, request a free consultation below.